1960 Nekrolog, op.5
Publisher: M.P. Belaieff, Frankfurt 533
1963 Perpetuum mobile, op.10
Partitur - UE 13 560
1964 Collage sür BACH 
Publisher: Sikorski 1887
strings, oboe, harpsichord, piano
1963 Symphony No. 1, Polyphonic, op.9 
Publisher: Sikorski 1885
1966 Pro et contra 
Sikorski 1881
cello, orchestra
1966 Symphony No. 2 
Publisher: Sikorski 1886
1971 Symphony No. 3 
C.F. Peters, Frankfurt 5775
1976/1984 Wenn Bach Bienen gezüchtet hätte 
Studienpartitur - UE 18 646 
Material leihweise
piano, string orchestra, wind quintet 
1977/1980 Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten 
Partitur - UE 17 498 
Material leihweise
string orchestra, bell
1977 Tabula Rasa 
Partitur - UE 17 249 
Material leihweise
concerto for 2 violins (or violin and viola), 
string orchestra and prepared piano 
Rev. X/1991
Partitur - UE 17 802 
Material leihweise
strings and percussion 
1985/95 Psalom
Material leihweise
string orchestra
Rev. XII/1990
Festina Lente 
Partitur - UE 19 286 
Material leihweise
string orchestra, harp ad lib. 
Rev. IX/1991
Silouans Song 
Partitur - UE 19 889 
Material leihweise
string orchestra
1991 Summa 
Partitur - UE 19 836 
Material leihweise
1992 Fratres 
Partitur - UE 19 896 
Material leihweise
violin, string orchestra, and percussion 
Rev. 1994
Study Score - UE 31 265 
string orchestra
1994 Concerto Piccolo on BACH 
Edition Sikorski 1931
trumpet, string orchestra, harpsichord, piano 
(based on Collage sür BACH)
1994 Fratres
UE (in preparation)
trombone, string orchestra and percussion
1995/96 Darf Ich... 
UE 31486
violin solo, strings, tubular bell in C# ad lib.
1999 Como anhela la cierva 
UE 31290 Studienpartitur käuflich
für Sopran und Orchester
1999 Mein Weg 
UE 31598
für 14 Streicher (6. 2. 4. 2) und Schlagzeug
1999 Orient & Occident 
UE 31518
für Streichorchester


1958 Meie aed, op. 3 (Our Garden)
(in preparation)
children's chorus, orchestra
1964/1996 Solfeggio
Chorpartitur UE 30 455
SATB a cappella
1968 Credo
Partitur - UE 17 244K
Orchestermaterial leihweise
Chorpartitur leihweise
piano, chorus, orchestra
rev. 1994
An Den Wassern zu Babel
Chorparticell - UE 30 160
Partitur - UE 30 161
vocal quartet, instruments;
arranged from In spe
1977/1996 Cantate Domino canticum novum (Psalm 95)
Partitur = Orgelstimme UE 31 058
Vokalpartitur UE 31 059
SATB and organ
1977/1996 Missa Syllabica
Partitur = Orgelstimme UE 30 430
Vokalpartitur UE 30 431
SATB chorus or soloists and organ
1977/1997 Missa Syllabica
Vokalpartitur UE 30 151
SATB chorus
1977/90 Sarah was 90 Years Old
Studienpartitur - UE 30 516
Aufführungsset - UE 30 517
Partitur und Stimmen UE 30 300
STT, organ, percussion
1977 Summa
Chorpartitur - UE 17 225
SATB chorus or soloists
1977/1980 De Profundis
Partitur = Chorpartitur = Instrumentalstimmen
- UE 17 410
male chorus, organ, percussion ad lib.
1982 Passio Domini nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem
Chorpartitur - UE 17 570
Studienpartitur - UE 17 568
Orgelstimme und Stimmensatz leihweise
vocal ensemble, SATB chorus, instrumental ensemble, and organ
1984/1996 Ein Wallfahrtslied (Psalm 121)
Partitur + Stimmen UE 30 426
tenor or baritone, string quartet
1984 Es sang vor langen Jahren
Spielpartitur - UE 18 421
CT/alto, violin and viola
1984/1997 2 Slavic Psalms: Lobet den Herrn (Psalm 117),
Kindliche Ergebung (Psalm 131)
Chorpartitur - UE 31 115
SATB chorus
1984-86/92 Te Deum
UE 30 822
3 choruses and orchestra, prepared piano and
1985 Stabat Mater
Partitur = Singstimmen - UE 19 053
Instrumentalstimmen - UE 19 053a-c
vocal and string trios
rev. 1991
7 Magnificat-Antiphonen
Chorpartitur - UE 19 098
SATB chorus
1989 Magnificat
Chorpartitur - UE 19 350
SATB chorus
1989/92 Miserere
score UE 30 871
vocal score UE 30 873
other materials on loan
5 solo voices, chorus, eight instruments,
percussion, organ
1989 Nun eile ich zu euch
(Nynje k wam pribjegaju)
(in preparation)
SATB chorus or soloists
rev. 1991
The Beatitudes
Partitur = Orgelstimme - UE 19 584
Chorpartitur - UE 19 585
SATB chorus or soloists and organ
1990 Beatus Petronius
Partitura UE 31 156
Choir UE 31 157
2 choruses and 2 organs
rev. X/1991
Berliner Messe
Chorpartitur - UE 19 860
Orgelauszug - UE 19 861
Partitur - UE 19 858
Orchestermaterial leihweise
SATB chorus or soloists and string orchestra
1990, Rev. 1991/1997 Berliner Messe
Partitur = Orgelstimme
in preparation (UE 31 132)

UE 31 133

chorus or soloists (SATB) and organ
1990 Mother of God and Virgin
(Bogoroditse Dyevo)
Partitur - UE 30 414
SATB chorus
1990 Statuit ei Dominus
Partitur = Orgelstimme - UE 19 671
Chorus - UE 19 672
2 choirs, 2 organs
1990 And One of the Pharisees
UE 30 510
Ct./alto, tenor, bass
1991 An Den Wassern zu Babel
Partitur = Orgelstimme - UE 30 159
Chorparticell - UE 30 160
Material leihweise
edited and arranged for SATB chorus and organ by Christopher Bowers-Broadbent
1994 Litany
Studienpartitur UE 31 116
Chorpartitur UE 30 780
A/Ct, TTB, choir (SATB) and orchestra
1994 Memento
Chorpartitur UE 30266
SATB a cappella
originally titled Memento mori
1996 I am the True Vine
Chorpartitur UE 30 301
SATB a cappella
1997 Dopo la vittoria
UE 30 429
SATB chorus
1997 Kanon Pokajanen (Canon of Repentance)
study score UE 31 114
SATB chorus
90-100 minutes
1997 ODE I (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31271
Chor (SATB) a cappella
8 minutes
1997 ODE III (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31273
Chor (SATB) a cappella
12 minutes
1997 ODE IV (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31274
Chor (SATB) a cappella
8 minutes
1997 ODE V (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31275
Chor (SATB) a cappella
8 minutes
1997 ODE VI - KONTAKION - IKOS (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31276
Chor (SATB) a cappella
9/15 minutes
1997 ODE VII (MEMENTO) (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31277
Chor (SATB) a cappella
8 minutes
1997 ODE VIII (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31278
Chor (SATB) a cappella
9 minutes
1989/1997 ODE IX (NÝNJE K WAM) (from Kanon Pokajanen)
Chorpartitur UE 31279
Chor (SATB) a cappella
9 minutes
Chorpartitur UE 31280
Chor (SATB) a cappella
12 minutes
1997 Tribute to Caesar
St. Matthew 22,15-22
UE 31 137
SATB chorus
1997 The Woman with the Alabaster Box
St. Matthew 26,6-13
UE 31 127
1997 Triodion
UE 31 228
SATB chorus
1999 Cantique des degrés
UE 31468
für Chor (SATB) und Orchester 2·2·2·2 - 4·2·2·1 - Str
2000 Cecilia, vergine romana
UE 31543
für Chor und Orchester
2000 which was the son of ...
UE 31507
für Chor (SATB) a cappella
1999/2001 Como anhela la cierva
UE 31290
für Frauenchor und Orchester
2001 Littlemore Tractus
UE 31595
für Chor (SATB) und Orgel
2001 Nunc dimittis
UE 31909
für Chor a cappella
2002 Beatitudines
UE 31989 (organ), UE 31990 (choral)
for choir SATB and organ
2002 Salve Regina
UE 31987 (organ), UE 31988 (choral)
for choir SATB and organ


1964 Quintettino op. 13
Publisher: C.F. Peters, Frankfurt 5774a
wind quintet
1976/1980 Pari Intervallo
Spielpartitur - UE 17 444
4 recorders
1976/1995 Pari Intervallo
UE (in preparation)
clarinet, trombone, strings
1977/81 Arbos
UE 17 443
7 (or 8) recorders and 3 triangles ad lib.
1977/86 Arbos
Partitur - UE 18 642
Material leihweise
brass and percussion
1977 Fratres original version for old or new instruments
1978 Spiegel im Spiegel
UE 13 360
violin and piano
1978 Spiegel im Spiegel
UE 30 336
cello and piano
1978 Spiegel im Spiegel
UE 31 257
viola and piano
1980 Fratres
UE 17 274
violin and piano
1983 Fratres
Partitur - UE 17 710
Stimmensatz für je 4 Violoncelli
- UE 17 711
4, 8, or 12 celli
1985 Fratres
Partitur - UE 19 000
Stimmen - UE 19 000a-c
string quartet
Rev. V/1993
Partitur und stimmen - UE 19 980
string quartet
1989 Fratres
arr. Dietmar Schwalke
Partitur mit stimme - UE 19 563
cello and piano
1990 Fratres
arr. Beat Briner
Partitur - UE 19 814
Stimmen - UE 19 815
wind octet and percussion
1990 Summa
Partitur und stimmen - UE 19 675
violin, 2 violas and cello
1991 Summa
Partitur und stimmen - UE 19 099
string quartet
1992/1997 Mozart-Adagio
Partitur und Stimmen UE 30 456
violin, cello and piano (arranged from Mozart Piano Sonata in F Major, K.280)
2000 My Heart's in the Highlands
UE 31541
für Ct(A) und Orgel


1976/1980 Pari Intervallo
UE 17 480
1976 Trivium
Sikorski 882
1980 Annum per annum
UE 17 179
1989 Mein Weg hat Gipfel und Wellentäler
UE 19 545


1956/7 4 Easy Dances for Piano
(Tantsud muusikast lastenäidenditele)Eres Edition #2163 (1993)
Eres Edition D-28859 Lilienthal/Bremen,
Postbox 1220
1958 Partita, op.2
UE 30 410
1958 Sonatina op. 1 no. 1
UE 30411
1959 Sonatina op. 1 no. 2
UE 30411
1964 Diagramme, op. 11
Publisher: Hans Sikorski, Hamburg
1976 Für Alina
UE 19 823
1977 Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka
UE 19 823
1984/2000 Hymn to a Great City
UE 30439
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