One searches in the outer world as well as in others' reflections of oneself - with all its insecurities, joys, convictions, evaluations. The world observes these oscillations
of our feelings with a proud indifference. Here and there a person hurries by, producing a sound that resembles one's own.
But it's already gone, and one is again embraced by silence. Our pain and insomnia as part of the whole. Our despair: a drop in an ocean.
Death - the final bill, in which the challenge turns into a phantom. Ambitions, hopes, enchantment. All this finds its peace there in the world beyond.
...Words irritate. Gestures mislead. Emotions dissolve. Only sounds speak a language that might be understood. If one opens the heart,
would there be someone receptive enough? But who is listening? Who is able to feel it?
Often I do ask myself, where does a heartbeat identical to mine exist? And the attempt of an answer is: out there, on the other end of my own sound.
Gidon Kremer from Obertöne
SILENCIO |  |  |
Gidon Kremer
Kremerata Baltica
Arvo Pärt
Gidon Kremer, Tatjana Grindenko: Solo Violins
Reinut Tepp: Prepared Piano
Eri Klas: Conductor
1. Tabula Rasa: I. Ludus - Con Moto
2. Tabula Rasa: II. Silentium - Senza Moto
Philip Glass
Kremerata Baltica
3. Company: Movt I
4. Company: Movt II
5. Company: Movt III
6. Company: Movt IV
Vladimir Martynov
Gidon Kremer,Tatjana Grindenko: Solo Violins
7. Come In!: Movt I
8. Come In!: Movt II
9. Come In!: Movt III
10. Come In!: Movt IV
11. Come In!: Movt V
12. Come In!: Movt VI
Arvo Pärt
Gidon Kremer: Solo Violin, Andrei Pushkarev: Bell
13. Darf Ich...