Chamber music

1984Chantguitar [and voice ad lib.]
1996Dhiodhiastring quartet
1961Duo Concertanttrombone and piano
1962Elegy in Memoriam Frank Salisburysolo violin and string quartet
1979Greek Interludeflute, piano
1989Hidden Treasure, Thestring quartet
1971In Memoriam Igor Stravinsky2 alto flutes, chamber organ, handbells
1991Last Sleep of the Virgin, Thestring quartet, handbells
1984Little Missenden Calmoboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn
1996Pètra7 strings
1961Portrait d'une Jeune Fille et l'Harpeharp, organ, violin
1988Song for Ileanaflute solo
1981Trisagionbrass quintet

  Choir (a capella and with few instruments)

1987Acclamation, Thechorus
1985Angelschorus, organ
1992AnnunciationS,A,T,B, chorus
1972Antiphon for Christmas MorningS voices
1987Apolytikion for St Nicholaschorus
1996As one who has Sleptchorus
1988Call, Thechorus
1976Canticle of the Mother of GodS, chorus
1990Christmas Round, Achorus
1995-96Chronia Pollamen's voices
1970CoplasS,A,T,B, chorus, tape
1989EoniaA, chorus
1996Feast of Feastschorus
1981Funeral Ikoschorus
1987God is With us (A Christmas Proclamation)T/b, chorus, organ
1981Great Canon of St Andrew of Crete, Theb/B, chorus
1982He Hath Entered the Heven2 choirs, handbells ad lib.
1985Hymn for the Dormation of the Mother of Godchorus
1996Hymn of Unwaning Lightchorus
1987Hymn to the Holy Spirit3t, 3 choruses
1985Hymn to the Mother of God2 choirs
1983Ikon of Lightchorus, string trio
1986Ikon of St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarnechorus
1991Ikon of the Nativitychorus
1990Ikon of the TrinityS, B, 2 choirs
1989I Will Lift up Mine Eyeschorus
1982Lamb, Thechorus
1989Lament of the Mother of GodS, chorus
1987Let not the Prince be Silentdouble chorus
1977Liturgy of St John Chrysostom, Thepriest and chorus
1982Lord's Prayer, Thechorus
1985Love Bade me Welcomechorus
1972Ma fin est mon commencement4-part T chorus, 4 trombones, 4 cellos, perc.
1986Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis(Collegium Regale)chorus
1987Many Yearschorus
1993Myrrh Bearer, Theviola, chorus, percussion
1988Nativity, A [Carol]girls' chorus
1996Notre Pèrechildrens' chorus
1990O, do not Movechorus
1993Our Father2 choirs
1984Orthodox Vigil Servicepriests, chorus, handbells
1981Prayer for the World16 solo vv
1995Prayer to the Holy Trinity2 choirs
1971Responsorium in memory of Annon Lee Silver2 M, chorus, 2 flutes ad lib.
1981Risen!chorus, piano, organ, strings
1993Song for Athenechorus
1995-96Svyaty (Svatuiee)Russian chorus and cello
1995Three Antiphoneschorus with solo vv
1990Thunder Entered herT, chorus, organ, male voices, handbells
1987Tiger, Thechorus
1989Today the Virgin (Christmas Carol)chorus
1988Uncreated Eros, Thechorus
1992Village Wedding, Achorus
1989Wedding GreetingT, chorus
1987Wedding Prayerchorus
1993World is Burning, TheB, chorus, tam-tam, viola, regal


1986In Memory of Catspiano
1982Mandoodles for a Young Pianistpiano
1980My Grandfather's Waltzpiano duet
1977Palin (expanded as Palintropos with orch.)piano


1965Chamber Concert (revised 1968)small orchestra
1991Eternal Memorycello, strings
1967Grandma's Footsteps5 music boxes, chamber ensemble
1978Palintropospiano, orchestra
1962-63Piano concertpiano solo, horns, percussion, strings
1987Protecting Veil, Thecello, strings
1990Repentant Thief, Theclarinet, percussion, timpani, strings
1996Tears of the Angelsviolin and strings
1992-93Theophanyorchestra[1], bandir drum, tape
1982Towards the Son: Ritual Procession4 bowed psalteries, 3t, orchestra[2]
1972Variations On Three Blind Miceorchestra
1997Wake Up...And Diecello and orchestra


1985Eis ThanatonS,B, 2 orchestras [3]
1977Gentle Spirit, A (after Dostoyevsky)S,T, orchestra, tape
1991Mary of EgyptS,B,A, chorus, children's chorus, orch., tape
1973-76ThérèseS,B,2T, chorus, children's chorus, orchestra
1995-96Toll Houses, The"A metaphysical pantomime"

  Solo voices and Instruments

1995-96AgraphonS, percussion, strings
1965Cain and AbelS,A,T,B, orchestra
1972Canciones Españolas2 high vv, 2 flutes, organ, harpsichord , perc.
1992Child Lived, TheS and cello
1978Immurement of Antigone, TheS, orchestra
1968In AliumS, Hammond organ, grand organ, piano, str., tape
1986Meditation on the LightC, guitar, handbells
1973Requiem for Father Malachy Lynch (revised 1979)2C,T,2b,B, ensemble, org., string quartet
1996SamavedaS and flute
1980Sappho: Lyrical Fragments2 S, strings
1979Six Abbasid SongsT, 3 flutes, alto flute, percussion
1977Six Russian Folk SongsS, ensemble [4]
1983Sixteen Haiku of SeferisS,T, percussion (handbells), strings
1995-96Song for the AngelS and strings
1964Three Holy Sonnets of John Donneb, brass, percussion, strings, tape
1967Three Surrealist SongsM, tape, piano, bongo drum
1983To a Child Dancing in the Wind (W.B. Yeats)S, flute, harp, viola
1996VlepondasS, B and cello


1992Akhmatova SongsS and cello
1995-96Lament for PhaedraS and cello
1977Lamentation, Last Prayer, and ExaltationS, handbells or piano
1994MelinaS solo
1984Mini-Song Cycle for Gina (W.B. Yeats)S and piano
1987Prayer (for Szymanowski)B and piano
1963Three Sections from T. S. Eliot's Four Quartetshigh voice and piano

  Voices and orchestra

1986Akathist of Thanksgiving2C + 3C,T,2B, chorus, bells, organ, strings
1979-80Akhmatova: RequiemS,b, orchestra [5]
1991-92Apocalypse, Thesolo vv, choruses, orch. (see [6] for details)
1964Cappemakers, The (revised for stage 1965)2 narrators, 10 soloists, male chorus, orchestra
1968Celtic Requiemhigh S, children's chorus, adult chorus, ens.
1961CredoT, chorus, narrator, oboes, brass, organ
1962GenesisT, ch., narr., brass, perc., org., pf., str. qt.
1996Hidden Face, TheC, oboe and orchestra
1992Hymns of ParadiseB, boy's voices, 6 violins
1988Ikon of St. SeraphimC,b,4B, chorus, orchestra
1988Ikon of the Crucifixionsolo vv, chorus, brass, perc., organ, strings
1995InnocenceS and cello solo, chorus, organ
1968Introit for March 27, the Feast of St. John DamasceneS,A, chorus, orchestra
1977Kyklike KinësisS, cello, chorus, piano, strings
1992-94Let's Begin AgainS, T, B, choirs, orch. (cf. [7]), children miming
1972Little Requiem for Father Malachy Lynchchorus, flutes, trumpet, organ, strings
1970Nomine JesuM, ch., 2 alto fl., chamber org., 5 male sp. vv
1989Resurrectionsolo vv, actors, ch., male ch., orchestra[8]
1972Ultimos Ritossolo vv, choruses [9], organ, orchestra, tape
1991-92We Shall See Him As He IsS, 2T, ch., organ, cello, 2 trp., timp., strings
1965-66Whale, Thesolo vv, choruses, orch. (see [A] for details)

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