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Name |
giancarlo |
Subject |
text double life of veronica |
Date |
17.03.2007 |
Time | 19:05 |
Message |
I am searching the tex of double life of veronica to teach at my students. thank you |
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Replies | |
Name | Jacopo |
Subject | 2nd message for Marija |
Date | 03.05.2007 |
Time | 17:42 |
Message | so Marija, here you are what was missing in my last message the is here
1 Corinthians 13 1-12
users.cs.york.ac.uk fisher cgi-bin gnt?id=0713
write it in google and you will find the complete address some symbols are not accepted here in this forum
go here I think it starts from verse 2
1 Corinthians 13
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Name | Jacopo |
Subject | Doppia vita di Veronica |
Date | 03.05.2007 |
Time | 17:31 |
Message | il testo della canzone tratta da La doppia vita di Veronica è reso da Dante Alighieri Il Paradiso Canto II
O voi che siete in piccioletta barca desiderosi d’ascoltar seguiti dietro al mio legno che cantando varca
tornate a riveder li vostri liti non vi mettete in pelago ché forse perdendo me, rimarreste smarriti.
L’acqua ch’io prendo già mai non si corse Minerva spira, e conducemi Appollo e nove Muse mi dimostran l’Orse.
To Marija there must be some posts here about Blue, I guess you mean Kieslowski's Trilogy - Blue... Anyway, the text of the so called Song for the Unification of Europe is taken from the Greek text the Bible... I guess I found it here in this forum, anyway, I am searching through the internet for you to have it now... Paul of Tarso wrote the First Letter to the Corinthians form which the text is taken... just wait for my next post!
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Name | Marija |
Subject | text of Blue |
Date | 05.04.2007 |
Time | 15:34 |
Message | I am looking for the text of Blue. I am writing an essay about the movie for my postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philology, St Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. I have the DVD, but it's in French, so I was wondering if you could possibly send me the English version which I will try to translate in Macedonian too. Thank you. Wormest regards |
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